Sunday, February 15, 2009

CRIKEYS! We finally named our dog ;p)

Yes, as the title implies, we named our dog after 3 months. His name is Del and that happened to be one of our "boy" names until "Sam" came along. He is still a shy pup and I can just see such an excitable and crazy puppy ready to reveal himself. He plays with toys late at night when the house is quiet (twins are asleep) and I cannot find the words for him, he is so kindhearted it actually breaks my heart to think someone could be mean to him or any anmal in general.

The other pix are of Sam on our way out the door, Nia in her ladybug tights; since she has become a "Bindi the Jungle Girl" fan I found it quite appropriate to buy her some zebra, ladybug and giraffe tights, and the other 2 are of the kids and our needy cat "lit'l Bit". She takes Nia's hand squeezes with no qualms and rubs against Sam hoping he will pet her ;p))

All is well except one of our cats is sick and confined to a bathroom, so we decided to take off the door and put a screen door on so she can "interact" with the other 6 furry housemates. It feels like summer time with the porch door in the house; Will post the pix, quite funny because it's on bathroom door.

Next post I'll put lots of pix in a "slideshow" so they won't take up too much space. Until then Nia is sitting and rolling all over, Sam is rolling and soon he'll be sitting as well and this afternoon we're heading to The Kluge-Ruhe Aboriginal Museum, gotta get some culture this weekend and show the kids "Bindi" art.


Kelli said...

Yea, for Del!! :) I am kinda biased but I like the name...heehee. Speaking of my "Del"...I LOVE Nia's LADYBUG tights, they are TOO cute!! We call Delaney, Delaney Bug and I have to admit I've gone a little overboard w/ the whole ladybug theme..where'd you get the tights?? :) Glad things are going so well in your household, you sound SOOOOO happy!!!! :) :)

hollyli said...

del is so adorable! sorry for the kitty. i love nia's tights. sam looks so cute smiling! and the needy cat, so pretty!