Monday, October 8, 2007

OCTOBER mini-news

October is here but it feels like July! Wow-eating my words from the last post here b/c it has been in the high 80's the past week or so and no rain for a month! The girls have been in the run-in shed most of the day and are now getting some hay to compensate for little grass. Breeze looks great hitting her 3 month mark soon, gotta check back on my records to see exact dates of the matchmaking day and Arionna is now getting her winter coat ALL OVER, terrible b/c it's soo hot. Another big day came on Satuday at the farm, I took Arionna out w/a saddle on and a halter for a little 30 minute trail ride behind her barn and she was sore at first then better, I think it will be good thing to tone her up b4 winter comes, she gets a bit stiff from her arthritis and she also has not been ridden in 3 years, beside bback last summer for 5 minutes, I must say she was a SUPERSTAR!