Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another Milestone, 2 fast 4 me!

Now Nia is sitting, I've posted a pix of her and one of Sam, who has now become the biggest fan of the exersaucer and can stand in it for LONG periods of time. All else is great; keeping busy w/our new family and introducing new foods slowly, how fun is that ;p))


Howard Happenings said...

My how they are growing, I introduced Alex to the exersaucer this weekend. Of course I have to tuck blankets all around him so he doesn't fall over but he LOVES it. Isn't is the greatest thing ever, Idon't know what I woudl do w/out it.....What in the world did our parents do with us???

Kelli said...

They are both so dang adorable!! :) Ya, for Nia sitting up...Delaney's almost there..she's doing the "tripod" as I like to call it and holds herself up by leaning forward! :) I agree w/ Holly what did our parents do to entertain us??? Delaney absolutely loves her exersaucer and galloping jumperoo- don't know what I'd do without them!!

hollyli said...

they are too cute! amelia misses her exersaucer! but she'll get it back on thursday when we move into our rental house! phew!