Monday, April 7, 2008

We Have a Name!

Well one of the herd has left and now we are down to 2 in the paddock; Sierra has moved to another farm to be w/her daughter Avalon. I know Breeze misses her buddy but she loyally follows Arionna to greener pastures down the hill (she would NEVER go first) yet STILL bosses her around in the upper pasture, oh the hierarchy of equines! The foal is developing and Breeze is getting her broodmare vaccines as each month passes, we are on schedule for a June foal and h/she will be named Pangaea, (there are several spellings but I like this one for now). I am well, getting big, and putting on my barn boots & sox is a bit trying at this point, LOL, only 10-11 weeks to go; the pix was a quickie w/my cell phone so of course my eyes are closed, LOL; we are now registered for b.feeding and labor/deliv.tour of hospital biz. next month, wow, almost there!!


Kelli said...

Mel you look terrific!! :) There's gonna be lots of babies (both foal and human) in June is sounds like! How exciting!!! How's the baby names coming along for you and Dennis?

mare mom said...

oh those baby names, nothing confirmed yet, still searching but somehow it's just not our priority now, very weird b/c I love to look at baby name books!

hollyli said...

U look terrific! Thanks for sharing your belly bump! I know what you mean about putting on socks and shoes. Thank goodness flip flop weather is coming up!