Saturday, March 15, 2008

Inching towards our goal......

Fortunately the medicine for EPM worked for Breeze's front leg, but the back has started to drag again, we had a good week of her picking up her back toe; but now she's wearing down her toe but has shown a def. improvement since first diagnosis. So we start meds once again and hope this treatment will move us up a few steps ;p) Oh the irony of baby steps!
Arionna is well but the good and bad is that I got to put them back in their old paddock with lots of grass but Arionna is low on the pecking order so she gets pushed out in bad weather and gets last dibs on hay. Sierra is THRILLED her old buddy Breeze is back! Now she can boss her around again, oh the life of a mare, LOL.
I'm doing great, starting to find balance issues creeping in as of late last week. Was helping a friend clean up her horse's feet and I was squatting like I normally do but the new bump set me off a bit and like humpty dumpty I rolled over backwards in slow motion and we were in tears for several minutes. I was talking to Kathy through Hopi's legs and I saw her just disappear in seconds, quite humorous and location humor at best.

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