Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Life's little surprises and the Tazmanian Devil

Where has the time gone? I can't believe they are now 10 weeks old! Pix above is of Nia Sam and their cousin Theo, he's a month and a half older and cute as a button! Nia has outgrown most of her NB clothes and Sam fits perfectly in his NB! They received so many wonderful gifts at their baby shower in PA and gifts here in VA that they have PLENTY of clothes to grow into. Now the shots, their first vaccines(2) went great for them, no side effects, but me, well I'm pretty tough but to see them put this huge neeedle into their sweet innocent perfect skin made me shudder, I know each month we will do the same (spreading out the vaccines) but as this is our first time we had no expectation. They each got a Tasmanian Devil band aid to cover their 2 new red dots, how appropriate for surpassing their first challenge.

A few days ago Nia started to push up on her feet to stand, I was shocked, could this be happening already? It's the beginning stages of child proofing to me, well, emotional child proofing b/c it will be many months before we get there. Sam is rolling over and has the strength in his hands and legs to get out of any swaddle (even the kidopotommus!). Pangea is doing great, just as pretty and sweet as any 9w old filly. Learning the basics of walking quietly beside mom, halting, and picking up her feet. Breeze is gaining back her weight lost from delivery and her eyes are much brighter. Arionna will be leaving the farm next Monday, and hopefully Breeze will be joining her in December. I've started riding again, been on a handful of times and it's been wonderful & refreshing to get out and return to "my hobby", oh and starting to paint again too, how soothing as well.

Dennis is great, such a "hands on" dad. I can't wait til they start eating "blended big people food", he was a chef and I'm sure these kids will have a worldly palate by the time they are 2! Sleep, well, he does the night shift, bless his heart, 11-6and I do the day 6-1, we share the afternoon duties and try to get the bills paid and errands done before dinner. They're sleeping between 3-6h at a time but nothing consistent yet, so until then we'll cont. our schedule for 2 more weeks then hopefully by then they will be solid 4h sleepers ;p)))

The cats and pups are good, Poncho is getting around well for a 15y old pug, eats fabulously and Gracie still runs around at the barn every day. The cats seems to love hanging around the front porch at night. Most evenings we'll sit outside before dinner and they'll gaze up at us w/sleepy eyes as the cool breeze of fall drifts by & creates waves through their summer coats. 2 days ago I opened the back door in the early morning to let Gracie outside and a huge poplar leaf, brown and dried, startled and greeted us as we welcomed in the morning air. What a nice surprise, fall is here.


hollyli said...

sam and nia are so beautiful. sam is getting big... and so is nia. nice to see that they're so healthy! love holls & amelia

Kelli said...

I can't believe Sam & Nia are now 12 weeks old!!! Wow, crazy how time flies by! They look wonderful- you are truly blessed!

Also, sounds like Dennis is an amazing hubby and father!

I love the fall time as of my favorite times of the year- probably why I got married in October when the trees were changing and fall was in full swing. Glad you are back to riding. Sounds like things are going very well- SO happy for you guys!