Thursday, September 10, 2009

Open Gym 24/7 & BoZart success ;p)

Nia is now walking 90% and Sam is crawling all over the house. Our home/gym is always busy but it's so much fun, how could this be work, right? I now have Noggin on my favorites (below NYLife and BB&T, how appropriate) and know every Moose and Zee song, and I have to say Laurie Berkner is pretty darn entertaining at 8AM. We've stopped counting teeth since the big molars arrived and the kids are now playing together, nicely too, how else right? I do rem. a few events where Craig, younger brother, and I had no idea we were related (politely speaking)and now we are best friends.

Pangea is growing up too and is turning out to be a sweet mare like her mom "Breeze", she reminds me of her in so many ways. The furry ones at home are doing well, we miss Poncho so much; I'm glad the twins got to meet him and share some special moments with our dear friend. I had a great opening at BoZart, sold one picture, and so many of my friends showed up and supported me, thank you everyone!! I'm working on some new idea's and hope to have another show in the Fall or Spring. Well that is the IDEA ~ one day at a time ;p)

1 comment:

hollyli said...

Wow Sam and Nia are getting so big. I love seeing them grow up. :)