Sunday, April 26, 2009

All is well here at Baby-Central, Spring has taken a break, it will be 90 the next few days and I absolutely LOVE IT! News on the front is quite scary, Nia is now standing and walking SLOWLY around the edges of the playard and her crib. She's taken a few mini tumbles, no blood shed ;p) and is pretty happy just standing around looking at the new view. We are not sure of her eye color at this point, gray, blue, green? hazel? From what I have read, their eye color can change for years to come, so hopefully by the time she gets her drivers license they will have resolved the color change, LOL, uhhh, that scares me already.

Sam has ALMOST mastered rolling but enjoys the exersaucer the best and will stay in it for hours if we let him; his eyes are definitely brown and his hair is really coming in, I knew if I brushed it daily it would grow, at least 100 times right? His voice is starting to change when he laughs and does the baby gibberish, it's deeper, not so babyish and he still smiles when he sees Gracie, he just loves her and since we are so animal oriented it's makes my heart ache with joy.

Both are eating lots of diff. foods, latest is asparagus with baby red potato's and avocado is the staple food, goes great in my salads as well. What a perfect food. Pangea is just starting out with daily training besides the usual handling and is quite the teenager, lots of sass but a good heart under it all. Her first show is coming up in May, how exciting, I won't be showing her this time but this summer I'll be out there with my girl!

Oh yes, I forgot to post Easter pix, so here are a few ;p) and it also happened to be on daddy's B-day. Dennis had a great time with the kids and family; we gave him a custom belt from Pinnell's it had a silver handmade buckle, the date, his name and our names on the inside and he also got some Anthony Bourdain books and some yummy chocolates, wow ~ a dual blessed day! I thank the good lord every day for blessing me with such a loving & wonderful family.


Kelli said...

Awww...all (3) of them are growing up so fast! :) (had to include pangea!) Look at Nia go! Yea!! Don't worry, Sam will come along just fine, I just know it...boys are slower to do things (medically proven) I know he'll be fine in the long run! They are SUCH cuties!! You are blessed Mel! Thanks for always sharing updates! :) xoxo-K&D

hollyli said...

awww! sam looks like daddy! nice of pangea to step into the role of teenager. glad to see things are going well for you!